URA Distribution
10M URA will be distributed to the community
There will be an initial supply of 10M $URA. To achieve full decentralization, the entirety of $URA supply will be 100% allocated to the community (UXP DAO). The Ura team will retain 0 URA and 0 UXP allocation.
Distribution Breakdown
Community Ownership (UXP DAO): 95% URA
95% of the total supply (9.5M) of liquid $URA tokens will be transferred to UXP DAO, governed by $UXP holders. $UXP is allocated to community members who participated in Uraβs Phase 1 pro-rata to XP accumulated. (UXP distribution)
Genesis $URA Liquidity: 5% URA
4.61% (0.461M) of the total supply which is in possession of the TFL liquidity multisig (source). The remaining 0.39% are in circulation, some held by wallets, and some pooled as liquidity
Last updated